KOSSCO is an ISO 9001:2008 certified company. To ensure the best possible system for managing our business we have implemented Quality Management into every aspect of our business. Our objective is one of continuous improvement in all aspects of the Integrated Management System, based on the principles of ISO 9001:2008.The scope of the QMS is to maintain the highest quality of services to our customers in the following fields;
- Provision of manpower to the Oil and Gas Sector
- Procurement and distribution service
- Freight forwarding, domestic and international
- Provision of rental accommodation
- Provision of rental vehicles
- Provision of industrial training accredited to international institutions
KOSSCO will ensure that all personnel are aware of and committed to the ongoing application, maintenance and development of the Integrated Management System through regular auditing and appropriate training. The purpose and objective of the Integrated Management System is to ensure that services provided by the Company comply with the specified needs of Clients and Customers, together with the requirements of Regulatory bodies.
The Chief Executive Officer is in overall charge and has appointed the General Manager as the Quality Management Representative, to ensure the Integrated Management System is implemented and maintained. Appropriate resources, both financial and manpower will be allocated to the maintenance and continual development of Quality as recommended by the Management team, and approved by the Chief Executive Officer.
KOSSCO values its staff and strives to provide a safe working environment. The Company recognises its moral and legal responsibilities under occupational health and safety (OH&S) legislation to provide a safe and healthy work environment.
This commitment means that KOSSCO will:
- Provide a safe and healthy workplace and working conditions for all, including employees, contractors, customers and visitors
- Provide training to enable all employees to work safely.
- Comply with all relevant legislation and industry standards.
- Provide support and assistance to employees.
- Consult with staff and contractors where relevant to enhance the effectiveness of procedures.
- Provide adequate resources to aid employees in fulfilling their responsibilities.
- Conduct investigations into all reported incidents.
- Ensure that appropriate return to work programs are in place.
- Conduct regular reviews and evaluations of the health and safety systems in place.
What employees are expected to do
While at work, all employees – irrespective of their position – will:
- Take reasonable care to ensure good health and safety procedures are implemented at all times.
- Identify and support measures to eliminate or minimize unsafe conditions.
- Assume personal responsibility for their own safety and for co-workers by always operating in a safe and appropriate manner.
- Warn co-workers about defective equipment and other hazards.
- Participate in health and safety training applicable to their work situation.
- Participate in required inspection and monitoring programs.
- Be familiar with the emergency plan, the emergency assembly area and emergency coordinators for their building, and participate in emergency drills.
KOSSCO is committed to providing a quality service in a manner that ensures a safe and healthy workplace for our employees and minimises our potential impact on the environment. We will operate in compliance with all relevant environmental legislation and we will strive to use pollution prevention and environmental best practices in all we do
In adopting this Policy, KOSSCO supports, promotes, and practices positive conservation measures to:
- Comply with all applicable legal requirements and with other requirements to which the organization subscribes which relate to its environmental aspects. Where possible, seek to improve upon, all International, National, Regional and Local Laws and regulations concerning Environmental Protection.
- As far as is possible, purchase products and services for our own use and for customers that does the least damage to the environment.
- Develop cost-effective, controlled solutions to increase the efficiency of our business with regard to energy consumption, waste management and emissions.
- Minimise energy and water use within our buildings and processes in order to conserve supplies and minimise the consumption of natural resources.
- Ensure all employees conform to high standards of environmental protection and emphasize through environmental awareness programmes, individual responsibilities for sound environmental management.
- Maintain environmental monitoring programmes to ensure and demonstrate compliance with the Company’s Policy and legislative requirements.
- Make available the necessary resources in order to set environmental objectives and targets and to ensure that these are continually reviewed and improved upon where appropriate.
“Corruption” means bribery, extortion, fraud, deception, collusion, cartels, abuse of power, embezzlement, trading in influence, money-laundering and other similar activities.
The purpose of this policy is to ensure that KOSSCO ("the Company") has appropriate systems and procedures in place to prevent bribery and corruption.
The Company has introduced this policy to supplement its commitment to the Code of Conduct and Business Principles that has been distributed internally to ensure that appropriate ethical conduct is applied across the group's activities throughout the world. This policy is designed to ensure that each part of the Company applies appropriate steps to comply with the Company's ethical standards and the law.
This policy and Code of Conduct should form part of the induction of new colleagues and business partners.
A. The board of directors are responsible for the effective design, implementation and operation of the anticorruption policy. The board shall ensure that management is aware of and accepts the policy, and that it is embedded in the corporate culture.
B. The Chief Executive’s statement of personal support for the anti-corruption policy shall be published on the Company's website.
C. The Chief Executive shall be responsible for ensuring that systems are in place to prevent corruption. The Director of Internal Audit shall be provided with sufficient authority to monitor all policy activities, and shall have direct and prompt access to the Chief Executive and to the Audit Committee.
D. The Company has implemented a code of conduct with an anti-corruption element, and shall continue to publicize the code internally and publish the code on its website.
E. The Company shall take steps to ensure that its financial controls minimize the risk of the Company committing a corrupt act against a business partner, individual or organization, or of any corrupt act being committed against the Company by a business partner, individual or organization.
F. The Company's audit committee shall carry out an annual internal review of the anti-corruption policy, regularly monitor its effectiveness and hall make appropriate recommendations to the board concerning revisions to the policy and other necessary action as appropriate in the light of this review.
G. The risk of bribery and corruption and shall be reviewed by the Group Risk Committee on a regular basis. The Group Risk Committee shall assess the risk of corruption in the Company's business and review whether its procedures and controls are adequate to minimize those risks. The Group Risk Committee shall report to the Audit Committee.
Our ethical principles are the values that set the ground rules for all that we do as employees of KOSSCO. As we seek to achieve responsible commercial success, we will be challenged to balance these principles against each other.
Our Ethical Principles Are:
HONESTY : We will not say things that are false. We will never deliberately mislead. We will be as candid as possible, openly and freely sharing information, as appropriate to the relationship.
PROMISE-KEEPING : We will go to great lengths to keep our commitments. We will not make promises that can't be kept and we will not make promises on behalf of the Company unless we have the authority to do so.
FAIRNESS : We will create and follow a process and achieve outcomes that a reasonable person would call just, even-handed and none arbitrary. We will treat all Clients, visitors and staff with respect and courtesy
RESPECT FOR OTHERS : We will be open and direct in our communication, and receptive to influence. We will honour and value the abilities and contributions of others, embracing the responsibility and accountability for our actions in this regard.
COMPASSION : We will maintain an awareness of the needs of others and act to meet those needs whenever possible. We will also minimize harm whenever possible. We will act in ways that are consistent with our commitment to social responsibility.
INTEGRITY : We will live up to KOSSCO's ethical principles, even when confronted by personal, professional and social risks, as well as economic pressures. We will make decisions and take action based only on the best interest of the client and of the organization.
DISCRIMINATION : We will never discriminate against any client, employee or visitor due to age, ancestry, colour, marital status, medical condition, mental disability, physical disability, national origin, race, religion, sex or sexual orientation.
STEWARDSHIP : We seek to use all our resources effectively and efficiently.
The Policy sets out the Rules and Procedures applicable to the use of the Company’s Information Technology and Telecommunications systems. Users must acknowledge the need for considerate, ethical and responsible behavior in the use of IT. Use of Company IT must not jeopardize or detract from a satisfactory working environment.
Each user is responsible for using the email system in an appropriate and responsible manner. In particular, users should seek to ensure that material transmitted by email is not:
- Defamatory, (for example to individuals religion, politics)
- Violent, obscene or pornographic (pornographic images or language include any material of a sexual nature which is liable to cause offence or embarrassment to the Company, its Staff, Clients or other persons using Company IT)
- In breach of the Company’s Rules relating to Confidential Information
- The initiating or forwarding of chain letters, junk mail (including virus warnings) or jokes is prohibited
Each user is responsible for using the Internet in an appropriate and responsible manner. In particular, users should ensure that they do not access Internet sites which are:
- Defamatory
- Violent
- Obscene or pornographic
- Social networking sites such as Facebook etc.
- Offensive, or such as may create an intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating or offensive working environment
- Otherwise inconsistent with the Terms of this Policy
- The uploading or downloading, holding or distribution of material from the Internet inconsistent with the Policy is expressly prohibited
Violation of Policy:
Any violation of the Policy may result in disciplinary action up to and including summary dismissal. The Company monitor email and internet use for any violation of this policy. The Company may also withdraw permission to use any part of Company IT, or impose whatever conditions are deemed necessary with respect to such use.
In recognition of the growing threat of Security related issues, KOSSCO is committed to a policy of taking the best possible measures to protect our employees, visitors and the environment from such threats.
- Safety in the Workplace
- Preventing Fires in the Workplace
- Evacuation Planning
- Visitor Policy
- Information Security
- Workplace Violence
- Medical Alert
The purpose and objective of the Security Policy is to enable collection and exchange of security information and provide a methodology for security assessments. The Chief Executive Officer is in overall charge and has appointed a Company Security Officer to ensure the Security Policy is implemented and maintained. The Company Security Officer will ensure that adequate and proportionate security measures are in place.
Appropriate resources, both financial and manpower will be allocated to the maintenance and continual development of Security as recommended by the Company Security Officer, and as approved by the Chief Executive Officer